You guys.

I’m creating a YouTube video on Leetcode problem 21 and I had this funny idea to create a “love story” between a dummy and myself in reference to the “dummy” node so often used for this problem.

It turned out so funny!

I made a joke about whether my husband was jealous over my love for the dummy and after showing him the video, I think he kind of was! LOL!

He wasn’t sure why it had to be so serious, but he doesn’t understand what nodes are so the joke is lost on him…

Anyway, he’ll get over it.

But I wanted to share it here with you guys so you could see it. The full video will be out tomorrow, but in the meantime, if you know about dummy nodes, this should make you smile.

Hopefully 😉

WordPress doesn’t allow vids to play on the page unless you have a premium account, so click the link below and use the password: dummy

Link here:

(don’t forget to put the sound on :))



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